Online Giving is Available
For a single gift or regular monthly giving, you can make an online donation using your Visa or MasterCard. You will be asked to enter contact information so that The Gathering Church can provide you with a charitable donation receipt at the end of the calendar year. Processing fees for online gifts are approximately 3% per transaction, similar to what retailers charge for purchases.
Sunday Morning Offering
You can bring your offering with you on Sunday morning and deposit it into the secure box at the Giving Station. The Point of Sale machine is available as well every Sunday.
You can make an e-transfer through your online banking. Please use the email address donate@thegatheringchurch.ca when setting up the transfer.
We accept cheques as well as cash. You can mail us a cheque or drop your cheque in the church mailbox. The mailbox is located under the covered driveway next to the doors.
Giving Through a Foundation
Consider including The Gathering Church in your Foundation or Estate Gifts. Abundance Canada offers excellent planning resources.
Donation Acceptance Policy
While The Gathering Church seeks to honor the expressed preference of each gift, the gift is given to the ministry of The Gathering Church. The donor hereby authorizes the church to use any designated funds for other church programs if the program or project for which the enclosed funds are designated has been fully funded or if the governing board, in its sole discretion, decides that the program or project for which the funds are designated will not be carried out.