Upcoming events
Seniors Cafe
Ricky and Karen Sanchez have been supported by our church for many years and have a long relationship with our community. They will join us to share about their exciting ministry in Thailand.
Young Adults Abby Canucks Game
Join us for an Abby Canucks game at Abbotsford Centre! The tickets cost $20 each and we will be meeting at the church to carpool. Email Jonathan to reserve a ticket.
Engage Event
Deconstruction: the word has exploded into evangelical spaces in recent years. But what does it actually mean? Join us for an Engage experience where we explore some root causes of faith shifts in our cultural moment in hopes of better understanding why these shifts are happening and how Jesus is at work amidst them. The location is TBD.
Engage Event
Deconstruction: the word has exploded into evangelical spaces in recent years. But what does it actually mean? Join us for an Engage experience where we explore some root causes of faith shifts in our cultural moment in hopes of better understanding why these shifts are happening and how Jesus is at work amidst them. The location is TBD.
Jr. Youth Night
We will be gathering with Jr. Youth (Ages 9-14) for an evening of Bible study, board games, and having snacks! We will gather in the Board Room from 6-8 pm. If you have any questions, please email Hannah.
Open-Mic Night for Musicians
Join us for a night of music open to any community musician with a song to share. This cafe-style evening will be held in our foyer, and treats will be available by donation to the Bakerview Music Academy.
Seniors Cafe
Susanne Fehr from Abbotsford Hospice is our guest and will help us learn more about end of life care and dealing with loss and grief.
Seniors Cafe
Dave Loewen will share about how his faith impacts his leadership role as a councillor for the City of Abbotsford.
Lunch After the Gathering
Join us for lunch in the gym following our Sunday gathering. A suggested donation of $5 per person or $20 per family is appreciated.
Family Christmas Sunday
Join us for a special Sunday gathering focusing on our children’s ministry and gathering as our children do. We will be sharing in a dessert potluck after the gathering, so bring Christmas goodies if you are able.
Community Dinner
Join us to share a free dinner with those in our community. All ages welcome!
Young Adults Christmas Party
Join our young adults for dinner and a Christmas party at Mark Whelpton’s house at 6 pm. We will have a white elephant gift exchanges, so make sure to bring something interesting from home! More information to come soon.
Seniors Cafe
Brunch and Christmas concert with Calvin Dyck and Carmen Hollett. Tickets will go on sale in the church office on Monday, November 4. Check back for more details coming. Maximum 75 guests.
Engage Cohort
Deconstruction: the word has exploded into evangelical spaces in recent years. But what does it actually mean? Join us for an Engage experience where we explore some root causes of faith shifts in our cultural moment in hopes of better understanding why these shifts are happening and how Jesus is at work amidst them. The location is TBD. There are limited spots available, so reserve yours quickly through the Eventbrite Page.
Lunch After the Gathering
Join us for lunch in the gym following our Sunday gathering. A suggested donation of $5 per person or $20 per family is appreciated.
Jr. Youth Night
We will be gathering with Jr. Youth (Ages 9-14) for an evening of Bible study, board games, and having snacks! We will gather in the Library from 6-8 pm. If you have any questions, please email Hannah.
Advent Art Show
Join us in the Sanctuary for a time of reflection on the Advent season through artwork by Scott Erikson. Sign up for free tickets here by choosing either the 3-5 pm time slot or the 6-8 pm time slot. Take your time with the self-guided reflections written by Erikson and enjoy refreshments and conversation in the foyer.
Young Adults Potluck
Join us for a Young Adults Potluck at Dave and Marian’s house! Email Jonathan for the address and sign up for a food item to bring.
Community Dinner
Join us to share a free dinner with those in our community. All ages welcome!
Open-Mic Night for Musicians
Join us for a night of music open to any community musician with a song to share. This cafe-style evening will be held in our foyer, and treats will be available by donation to the Bakerview Music Academy.
South Asian Learning (Next Steps)
Join us in the Board Room if you want to learn more about connecting with our South Asian neighbours and community. Arun Passi will lead us through conversations around cross-cultural connections and reflect on some of the learning from our previous visit to the Gurdwara. Everyone is welcome.
Young Adults Escape Room
We will be meeting at the church to head over to Exit Abbotsford for some Escape Room fun! The cost is $10 per person, if you have any questions, contact Jonathan.
Lunch After the Gathering
Join us for lunch in the gym following our Sunday gathering. A suggested donation of $5 per person or $20 per family is appreciated.
Short-Term Small Group
Co led by Hannah Enns and Pastor Christine. Our study will be Rich Villodas’s book ‘The Deeply Formed Life: Five Transformative Values To Root Us In The Way of Jesus’. Men and women of all ages are welcome. Email Hannah or Christine for more information.
Upcoming events
Use this calendar to keep up with what’s going on in our community. You can click events to be brought to a page with more information, as well as the option to add the event to your google calendar or icloud calendar.