Upcoming events

Jr. Youth

Jr. Youth

We will be gathering with Jr. Youth (Ages 9-14) for an evening of Bible study, board games, and having snacks! We will gather in the Board Room from 6-8 pm. If you have any questions, please email Kaitie.

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Jr. Youth Night

Jr. Youth Night

We will be gathering with Jr. Youth (Ages 9-14) for an evening of Bible study, board games, and having snacks! We will gather in the Board Room from 6-8 pm. If you have any questions, please email Kaitie.

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Seniors Cafe

Seniors Cafe

Susanne Fehr from Abbotsford Hospice is our guest and will help us learn more about end of life care and dealing with loss and grief. 

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Holy Spirit Conference Live stream

Holy Spirit Conference Live stream

Join with others for the livestream of the 7th annual Holy Spirit Conference from Bridgetown Chruch in Portland, OR. The staff will be attending in person but we want to open up the Boardroom for you to learn and discuss today. You'll hear teaching from N.T. Wright, Tim Mackie (The Bible Project). There is no cost and no pre-registration required.

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Holy Spirit Conference Live stream

Holy Spirit Conference Live stream

Join with others for the livestream of the 7th annual Holy Spirit Conference from Bridgetown Chruch in Portland, OR. The staff will be attending in person but we want to open up the Boardroom for you to learn and discuss today. You'll hear teaching from N.T. Wright, Tim Mackie (The Bible Project). There is no cost and no pre-registration required.

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Church Lunch

Church Lunch

Join us for lunch in the gym following our Sunday gathering.

A suggested donation of $5 per person or $20 per family is appreciated.

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Open-Mic Night for Musicians

Open-Mic Night for Musicians

Join us for a night of music open to any community musician with a song to share. This cafe-style evening will be held in our foyer, and treats will be available by donation to the Bakerview Music Academy.

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Upcoming events

Use this calendar to keep up with what’s going on in our community. You can click events to be brought to a page with more information, as well as the option to add the event to your google calendar or icloud calendar.